Personality List

    Zendaya Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Zendaya? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Zendaya from Actors & Actresses Usa and what is the personality traits.


    INFJ (6w7)

    Zendaya personality type is INFJ, which stands for Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging. If you think of the INFJ as a person, that person would be someone who is very kind and nice, but not particularly outgoing. INFJs are very private and don't like to share much about themselves, so it's understandable why people might be confused as to why they seem to be so outgoing and talkative. This is because INFJs actually do feel and care deeply about the people they're close to, but they've learned to repress those emotions and hide them from strangers.

    INFJs are very deeply sensitive and caring people. They want to take care of people and see to it that everyone is happy and healthy, as these positive emotions feed into their own sense of self-worth. They do this because they know that they can't take care of everyone by themselves though, so they make a conscious effort to make sure that everyone around them is content and happy. This is a large part of why INFJs are so well-liked by their friends and family members. INFJs do not like feeling like they're being taken advantage of or used by people, so they make an effort to make sure that everyone around them is treated fairly and with respect.

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