What is the personality type of Flavia? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Flavia from El Reemplazante and what is the personality traits.
Flavia personality type is ESFP, as 25% of the population is ESFP.
The medical profession has a significant ESFP population, especially family practice and internal medicine.
ESFP personalities are well represented in the fields of marketing, sales and finance, and in the arts. ESFPs can be found in many other fields, but they do tend to gravitate towards careers that are not as well-known as others. For instance, ESFPs can be found in more confidential positions in the medical field, such as a medical doctor, or in more creative fields, such as a graphic designer. They are also found in less common careers, such as law enforcement.
ESFPs have a reputation for being outgoing and fun to be around. They tend to enjoy being social with others, but may have a hard time holding down a job because they switch from career to career often. ESFPs are usually not afraid to make themselves heard, but may need some time to gather their thoughts and come up with something original. They are excellent communicators and great storytellers, and often have a gift for mimicry.
ESFPs are passionate about many things, and thrive on change.