Personality List

    Clan Toreador Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Clan Toreador? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Clan Toreador from Vampire The Masquerade and what is the personality traits.

    Clan Toreador

    ENFJ (7w6)

    Clan Toreador personality type is ENFP, and this is why they tend to be very social and gregarious. ENFPs are enthusiastic and excited about doing things, and they are quick to volunteer to help out in any way they can.

    ENFPs tend to be very creative and will often act on their creative impulses without considering the consequences. They will often try to please others by acting out of character and doing things that are not normally acceptable for them. For example, if an ENFP tries to fit in with a more introverted personality type, they might make excessive eye contact and extend too many invitations to hang out with them.

    Because of this, ENFPs can inadvertently hurt the feelings of others. However, most of the time ENFPs are not intentionally trying to make others feel bad. They just want to be liked and accepted, which is why they follow their impulses and do things that may seem odd or strange. If a person is able to recognize ENFP behavior without being put off by it, they will generally get along well with them.

    ENFPs would much rather talk about themselves than listen to other people’s ideas. This is why they may seem a bit selfish at times.

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