Personality List

    Gemini sun + Scorpio moon Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Gemini sun + Scorpio moon? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Gemini sun + Scorpio moon from Zodiac and what is the personality traits.

    Gemini sun + Scorpio moon

    ENTP (6w7)

    Gemini sun + Scorpio moon personality type is ENTJ, which is the most common type in the world.

    Eneagram IV: The Initiate

    The fourth of the eight personality types is the Initiate, which is represented by the sun, moon and Mercury. When they're combined together, these three planets make up the sign of Sagittarius. They're not only a combination of planets, but also days of the week: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are all considered to be the week of the Initiate.

    Eneagram IV is the most common personality type, accounting for 20 percent of the population in the world. The most common personality type in the U.S. is ENTJ, followed by ENTP. In fact, ENTP is the most common personality type in the world.

    Planet Gemini in The Enneagram

    As mentioned before, Gemini is also a zodiac sign, but it's only represented by two signs: Gemini and Cancer. The sun and moon are only in Gemini, and that's why we can say that Gemini is a dual sign. However, there are two major planets in Gemini: Mercury and Venus. Mercury is always in Gemini, and Venus comes in once during each year.

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