Personality List

    Zashiki-warashi Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Zashiki-warashi? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Zashiki-warashi from Mythical Creatures and what is the personality traits.


    ENFP (2w1)

    Zashiki-warashi personality type is INFP, so I found myself very interested in his character, and the story he was involved in. For the most part, he was a level-headed, logical person. He didn’t go about things without thinking about it first. He was quite resourceful, and he had a good grasp on how to get things done. He was able to keep a cool head during stressful situations, and was able to stay calm and rational while others were panicking. And while the two of them were very close, they had different ideas about things, which led to a lot of disagreements. It’s a good thing that they were able to work together, though, because they sure did have their hands full!

    Yukari’s character is relatively straightforward. She’s the kind of character who is always thinking. She doesn’t think she’s acting like a weirdo or anything, because she takes her duties very seriously. She doesn’t leave anything to chance, and she’s always on top of things.

    According to folklore, to attract and maintain a zashiki warashi in the home it is said that "the spirit must be noticed, appreciated and cared for properly, much in the manner one would raise a child, though too much attention may drive it off." As the zashiki warashi is child-like in nature, it is prone to playing harmless pranks and occasionally causing mischief. They might, for instance, "sit on a guest's futon, turn people's pillows over or cause sounds similar to kagura music to be heard from rooms no one uses." Sometimes they leave little footsteps in ashes. There are different variations as to who can see the zashiki warashi; usually this is limited to inhabitants of the house, sometimes to children.

    The appearance of this spirit is that of a 5 or 6 year child with bobbed hair and a red face. Zashiki warashi can be found in well-maintained and preferably large old houses. It is said that once a zashiki warashi inhabits a house, it brings the residence great fortune.

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