Personality List

    H. P. Lovecraft Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of H. P. Lovecraft? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for H. P. Lovecraft from Bungou To Alchemist Shinpan No Haguruma and what is the personality traits.

    H. P. Lovecraft

    ISTP (XwX)

    H. P. Lovecraft personality type is ISTP, the Invisible Stranger, or the Pale Criminal.

    The image of the Invisible Stranger is a very dangerous one indeed. Lovecraft greatly admired the concept of the Invisible Stranger, which is essentially a criminal who can commit a crime without being seen by witnesses. Some argue that this is a thematic device to make the reader feel that there is someone out there, that there is something to fear and that there is a power at work which cannot be seen. In Lovecraft’s stories, the Invisible Stranger is often an all-powerful being of evil, unworldly and unknowable in origin and nature. They are the “shadowy, unknown occupant of the universe.” The Invisible Stranger is the source of all evil, the cause of all misfortune, and the destroyer of all hope. The only way to defeat an Invisible Stranger is to eliminate them forever by destroying the physical world they have built.

    The Invisible Stranger is not limited to one type of person. The type of Invisible Stranger can vary as much as their name. The story “The Call of Cthulhu” opens with a description of a man who travels to a remote island for a spiritual retreat and becomes a victim of an invisible assailant.

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