Personality List

    Hannah Goslar Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Hannah Goslar? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Hannah Goslar from My Best Friend Anne Frank and what is the personality traits.

    Hannah Goslar

    ISFJ (9w1)

    Hannah Goslar personality type is ISFJ, which means she’s a “The Protector” personality type. The Protector personality type is identified by the characteristics of being warm, gentle, loyal, and helpful. ISFJ personalities are reserved and tend to be quiet and reserved. Some ISFJs have a hard time with conversation because they don’t like to seem overeager. They are very protective of themselves and others. They value loyalty and honesty and can become quite angry if someone shows disloyalty. ISFJs are often very religious, and they may be very caring people. They want to be of service to others and are often very good at solving problems.

    Hannah Goslar’s birth date is July 30, 1971 (Taurus)

    Her Sun sign is Taurus

    Hannah Goslar’s dominant planets are Venus and Neptune, which make her a Venus-Neptune, or a Venus-Jupiter, personality type. Venus-Jupiter personalities are described as romantic, sensitive, and compassionate. They can be quite artistic, but often have difficulty with practicality and logic. They tend to be more interested in the arts than in material matters.

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