Personality List

    Pax Hover Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Pax Hover? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Pax Hover from Your Ocs Original Characters and what is the personality traits.

    Pax Hover

    ENFP (4w3)

    Pax Hover personality type is ENFP, which is a rare personality type that makes up about 3% of the population.

    Pax Hover is a rare personality type which means that it is not found as often in the population as the other personality types. Rare personality types are sometimes referred to as “troubled” or “misunderstood”.

    The name Pax Hover comes from the fact that this personality type is similar to the personality type of a hovercraft. A hovercraft is a vehicle that has no moving parts that can move on its own. The Pax Hover personality type resembles a hovercraft because it has no moving parts, although unlike a hovercraft, Pax Hover individuals also do not have emotions.

    The Pax Hover personality type is also similar to the personality type of an astronaut, and they are both special because they do not experience a normal range of emotions.

    Because the PAX personality type is a rare type, many people have a hard time understanding Pax Hover personality types. People who have not met many people with this personality type may believe that all PAX personalities are like robots without any emotions.

    People with the PAX personality type are easily misunderstood because they do not have any emotions.

    -He is funny and always talks (sometimes too much).

    -he’s afraid that s he will not be loved and valued.but he always hide it from strangers.

    -He has a lot of knowledge about seemingly useless things.

    -He is a professional gamer, but in the real world he is clumsy.

    -Teachers hate him. He always argues with them about the value of the school.

    -He has good tactics, but he has trouble using them in his life.

    -His biggest problem is not getting along with others. As soon as he knows someone and feels comfortable with him, he realizes that his way of thinking is completely different from him and that he is a stranger and does not belong anywhere.

    -He often forgets things. many times he goes to school in his pajamas ...

    -His optimistic half is friends with everyone. But almost no one likes his dark half.

    -His only real friend is a little girl who lives on the street and gets paid for horror stories.

    -His goal is to find something that is definitely worth.but he can’t...

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