Personality List

    Alvida Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Alvida? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Alvida from One Piece and what is the personality traits.


    ESFP (3w2)

    Alvida personality type is ESFP, and the tertiary function is Fi.

    Alvida’s ESFP personality type is one that is defined by its enthusiasm, energy, and expressiveness. This type is usually more flamboyant than others and prefers to be in the spotlight. This type is often misidentified as ESFJ since its subtype is extroverted, but the difference is that ESFJ seeks to expand and develop a network, whereas the ESFP desires to be the center of attention. They have a strong need to be seen and noticed, and they have a strong desire to be in charge. They have a need to be in control of their environment, and they often care a great deal about their appearance. They are very energetic and enthusiastic, and they like to share their emotions.

    Alvida’s Fi tertiary function makes her an ideal match for the ISTJ personality type. ISTJs are known for their practicality and dependability, and this type has no problem focusing on the task at hand. The ISTJ appreciates the practical nature of this type, and it makes them a good match. They are also very dependable, which is exactly what the ESFP needs in a partner.

    "Iron Mace" Alvida is the former captain of the Alvida Pirates and the first antagonist encountered by Luffy in the anime present timeline (in the manga, Higuma was the first villain). Due to her actions, she can be regarded as the secondary antagonist of the Romance Dawn Arc and the tertiary antagonist of the Loguetown Arc.

    After her defeat against Luffy, she allies with Buggy and becomes one of the two captains of the Buggy and Alvida Alliance. She was the acting captain of the crew during Buggy's time in Impel Down and during the Battle of Marineford. After reuniting with Buggy, his army of Impel Down Convicts, and Galdino (and with the addition of Buggy becoming a Warlord of the Sea), her alliance with him has evolved into the Underworld Organization known as Buggy's Delivery.

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