Personality List

    Charlotte Linlin "Big Mom" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Charlotte Linlin "Big Mom"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Charlotte Linlin "Big Mom" from One Piece and what is the personality traits.

    Charlotte Linlin "Big Mom"

    ESFJ (2w3)

    Charlotte Linlin "Big Mom" personality type is ESFP, with an ESFP projection.

    "Big Mom" personality type is ESFP, with an ESFP projection. Her birthday is July 5th.

    Her blood type is A.

    Her animal motif is the elephant.

    She is the current leader of the Big Mom Pirates, and the owner of the Charlotte Family.

    She is currently the most powerful Yonko in the world, having defeated Whitebeard.

    She is the maternal aunt of Charlotte Cracker.

    She seems to have a strong dislike towards Carrot, who is very rude towards her. This likely stems from the fact that Carrot was once engaged to her son, Charlos. She also has a very short temper, often screaming at her son for not doing anything in particular, even though she is the one who gave him something to do. She also can be seen ordering her son to attack anyone who challenges her in which she does so with a smile on her face. This, along with her cheerful personality, makes her seem somewhat sinister when she is angry, which she is often seen doing.

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