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    Pisces sun + Taurus moon + Aquarius rising Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Pisces sun + Taurus moon + Aquarius rising? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Pisces sun + Taurus moon + Aquarius rising from Zodiac and what is the personality traits.

    Pisces sun + Taurus moon + Aquarius rising

    INFP (4w5)

    Pisces sun + Taurus moon + Aquarius rising personality type is INFP, which is the second most common personality type in the world.

    In addition, the relationship between Pisces and Taurus is incredibly strong, not only because the planets of Pisces and Taurus are in compatible signs and in the same house, but also because their zodiacal signs are both in the Water element and ruled by Neptune.

    In ancient astrology, Pisces was sometimes referred to as the “twin sign” of Taurus and Neptune. The key difference between these two signs is that the latter is generally associated with femininity and generosity, while the former refers to a more male-oriented focus on motherhood.

    That said, when it comes to understanding the Pisces-Taurus relationship, it’s worth pointing out that both signs are about a lack of endings. In this sense, Pisces and Taurus are about the idea of open-endedness and becoming more expansive through the addition of new experiences, new people, and new places.

    So while they may both be about the transformation process, they are also about the potential of transformation.

    And this is exactly why their relationship can be so powerful.

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