Personality List

    Virgo sun + Leo Rising Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Virgo sun + Leo Rising? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Virgo sun + Leo Rising from Zodiac and what is the personality traits.

    Virgo sun + Leo Rising

    ENFJ (2w3)

    Virgo sun + Leo Rising personality type is ENFJ, the Inspirational personality type.

    ENFJ’s are known for their charisma and ability to captivate and influence others. They receive their energy from the universe, and their communication skills are exemplary. They are both peacemakers and influencers, and they are generally kind and generous. However, this can trigger a negative response from the people in their lives, as ENFJ’s tend to be too sensitive. They must learn to allow others to have their own space, or they will be taken advantage of. The ENFJ is often a very successful leader, but they must be careful that they are not perceived as being controlling or domineering over others.

    ENFJ’s use their extraverted feeling (Fe) to make connections with other people. They are often the ones who will do whatever it takes to make everyone happy, no matter what it takes. The ENFJ has a deep need to see the best in people, and they will be able to see through any facade people may put on to hide obstacles or challenges in the relationship.

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