Personality List

    The Little Prince - Star Collector Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of The Little Prince - Star Collector? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for The Little Prince - Star Collector from Sky Children Of The Light and what is the personality traits.

    The Little Prince - Star Collector

    INFJ (5w6)

    The Little Prince - Star Collector personality type is INFJ, the introverted intuitive. They are the creative types whose minds are quick to process information, but may be too abstract or analytical for some people. They are often talented writers, artists, and filmmakers or are gifted in other creative fields.

    Susan Sarandon has been a champion of LGBT rights for years, dating back to her support of Ellen DeGeneres.

    Now, the Hollywood actress is speaking out against the Boy Scouts' decision to rescind its ban on gay members, saying that she is grateful the ban is over.

    "This is a pivotal moment in our nation's culture," Sarandon said in a statement to The Huffington Post. "Allowing gay people to be members of the Boy Scouts is a good step forward."

    The movement to allow gay men and women to serve in the Boy Scouts of America has been growing in recent years. The Girl Scouts of America announced earlier this year that it would start accepting transgendered girls into its programs.

    [Related: Susan Sarandon Says She Never Wants to Shop at Target Again]

    Sarandon has long been an outspoken advocate for LGBT rights, and said that she was disappointed by the Boy Scouts' decision earlier this year.

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