Personality List

    Wingdings Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Wingdings? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Wingdings from Fonts and what is the personality traits.


    ENFP (7w8)

    Wingdings personality type is ENFP, which can be as a type (in the INFJ or INTP cases) or as a function (INFJ and INTP).

    Also, while there is no exact formula for calculating the strength of a personality type, it is a useful technique to use in order to gain a better understanding of how well the type is described in the example.


    Extraversion is one of the four primary functions in Jungian typology. It is defined as the ability to function in the external world. Extraverts experience the world primarily through sensation, while introverts experience the world primarily through feeling. Extraverts are energized by being around other people, while introverts are energized by being alone.

    Extraverts are organized, motivated and goal-oriented. They are energized by being around other people and live their lives based on the external world. They are extroverts.


    Introversion is one of the four primary functions in Jungian typology. Introversion is defined as the ability to function within the internal world. Introverts experience the world primarily through cognition, while extraverts experience the world primarily through sensation.

    Wingdings is a series of dingbat fonts that render letters as a variety of symbols. They were originally developed in 1990 by Microsoft by combining glyphs from Lucida Icons, Arrows, and Stars licensed from Charles Bigelow and Kris Holmes. Certain versions of the font's copyright string include attribution to Type Solutions, Inc., the maker of a tool used to hint the font.

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