Personality List

    Yellow Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Yellow? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Yellow from Your Ocs Original Characters and what is the personality traits.


    ENFJ (1w2)

    Yellow personality type is ENFJ, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging, and extraverted. This is how a person behaves when they are interacting with others.

    This personality type is said to be one of the most common in the world, with an estimated percentage of 11%, and the least rare is INFP, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving, and extroverted.

    The Attention

    ENFJs are not only the most outgoing type of personality but they also possess the attention span of a goldfish. ENFJs love to talk to people and they can be very persuasive; they are great at persuading people to do what they want. They also have a great deal of empathy, which makes them very understanding.

    When people are upset or stressed ENFJs are more likely to be there to provide a shoulder to cry on rather than to try and cheer them up. They have a tendency to have a very good idea of what people need and they will go out of their way to make sure the people around them are happy.

    ENFJs can be the life of the party and are great at making people laugh.

    Wants the best for everyone and is caring to a fault. Always willing to take on a challenge -- in this case, saving the world -- if it means helping others. They tend to be conflict-averse when it comes to their friendships, but they're still willing to fight if it's to benefit society as a whole. While they're not saving the world, they're helping to re-establish what were once friendly relations between COLORs (such as themself) and NO-COLORs.

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