Personality List

    Agape Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Agape? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Agape from Shtdn and what is the personality traits.


    ENTP (7w8)

    Agape personality type is ENTP, the type of high-functioning (i.e., intelligent and creative) extrovert.

    The ENTP personality type is the type associated with the four wings of the brain. The four wings are:

    Extraversion – the ability to be in the present moment Intuition – accessing the unconscious or deeper mind without thought Feeling – accessing your emotions without overanalyzing them Thinking – using logic and information to understand the world

    The ENTP personality type is associated with extroverts, and is also associated with creativity, intelligence, and imagination. Through using Ne (the fourth wing of the brain) they can access their emotional and intuitive sides and use this to their advantage.

    ENTPs are very curious and are constantly trying to expand their knowledge. They are independent thinkers and usually do not follow any one path, but instead move around in many different directions. ENTPs can be very creative and use their imagination to think up new ideas and solve problems. They are often found in leadership roles because of their independent thinking, curiosity, and creativity.

    ENTPs are often very intelligent, but also very independent, which can often cause conflict in their relationships.

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