Personality List

    Qilin Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Qilin? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Qilin from Fantastic Beasts and what is the personality traits.


    INFJ (9w1)

    Qilin personality type is INFJ, while I am an ESFJ.

    I’m here to share my thoughts on the MBTI and with that, help you understand yourself better and understand others better.

    About Me: I’m a 23-year-old female who is living in the US. I’m a pretty laid back person and I love reading and spending time with my family.

    Some of the biggest things in my life are my family, friends, my twin sister and my boyfriend. They’re the most important people in my life.

    What is your personality type? ESFJ (Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judging)

    MBTI question: What is your personality type? I believe this is the MBTI question to determine your personality type. I have a feeling that ESFJ is my type, however I’m not 100% sure since my personality can be described as a mix of ESFJ and INFJ. No matter what type you are, we are all very similar in our ways of thinking and how we view the world. So while your MBTI result will determine what your personality type is, it will still be very similar to your personality.

    Qilins were deer-like creatures which had precognitive abilities. They could also look into a person's soul and find out if they were pure of heart. If they perceived someone to be pure of heart, they would bow. For that purpose, they were an important part of The Walk of the Qilin Ceremony, where they bowed in front of the winning candidate.

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