Personality List

    Shinkuro Isaka/Weather Dopant Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Shinkuro Isaka/Weather Dopant? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Shinkuro Isaka/Weather Dopant from Kamen Rider and what is the personality traits.

    Shinkuro Isaka/Weather Dopant

    ENTP (4w5)

    Shinkuro Isaka/Weather Dopant personality type is ENTP, and at a glance, Shinkuro Isaka is an ENTP. He's very much like other ENTPs that we've met. He's a bit more reserved than the first generation ENTP we met, but still very much himself. He's self-centered, but it's just to the point where his intentions seem pure.

    INTP is second to INTJ in the Enneagram, and is considered a more logical and analytical type. The problem with the INTP is that their thoughts are not necessarily linear (which is why they're called "the Thinkers"). They think in enneagramic isomorphic patterns which can be hard to follow.

    I think Shinkuro Isaka has a hard time keeping his thoughts straight because of his ENTP nature. His thoughts are going to be more complex than just a simple linear thought process. This is why I think Shinkuro Isaka might be diagnosed with OCD.

    I also think that Shinkuro Isaka does not have a strong sense of morality. His only "rules" are "me" and "my way.

    Shinkuro Isaka/Weather Dopant

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