Personality List

    Enoch Drebber Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Enoch Drebber? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Enoch Drebber from Ace Attorney and what is the personality traits.

    Enoch Drebber

    INTJ (5w6)

    Enoch Drebber personality type is INTJ, so he's going to be a mastermind.

    He's a very intelligent man, a man of science, a man of logic. He's a man of reason, a man of insight.

    And you have to remember that Sherlock Holmes was a genius from the moment he was born, from the moment he was born he was a genius. He would have gone on to be a world-renowned scientist, a world-renowned mathematician, if he hadn't been a detective.

    He's using his mind to solve crimes, to solve puzzles, to solve riddles. He's using his mind to link disparate pieces of evidence together and make the puzzle fit the way it should, and to uncover the truth.

    He's a detective. And he's a genius. So you have to take those two things into consideration.

    In the "Sherlock" TV series, Benedict Cumberbatch plays Sherlock Holmes. In the "Sherlock" film, Robert Downey Jr. plays Sherlock Holmes.

    In the "Sherlock" TV series, Martin Freeman plays Dr. John Watson. In the "Sherlock" film, Jude Law plays Dr. John Watson.

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