Personality List

    Lamiroir Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Lamiroir? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Lamiroir from Ace Attorney and what is the personality traits.


    INFJ (2w1)

    Lamiroir personality type is INFJ, which means, "artist, writer, and occultist" (according to the MBTI). INFJs often feel as if they were born to be artisans or occultists. They often feel as if they were meant to be spiritual and spiritual things are their natural place.

    INFJ's also feel as if they were born to be spiritual. It is something they were groomed for and it is something they always felt was a natural part of them. This is why INFJs often find their rootedness in art and spirituality so attractive and so fulfilling.

    INFJ's had a lot of childhood trauma, and this can come out in their art. INFJ's often feel as if they had a lot of trauma as a child and that they've been working through it for most of their life. As a result, they often feel as if many of their works are very personal and very autobiographical. They often feel as if they are sharing their personal experiences with the world through art.

    INFJ's typically have a lot of issues with their parents, and this can come out in their art too.

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