Personality List

    Sonic IDW Reigen Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Sonic IDW Reigen? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sonic IDW Reigen from Mob Psycho 100 and what is the personality traits.

    Sonic IDW Reigen

    ENTP (3w4)

    Sonic IDW Reigen personality type is ENTP, so he fits the archetype quite well.

    The following points are all taken from Wikipedia.

    “In the books, Sonic's love of speed is a result of having been raised by a tribe of very fast-moving mammals. As a result, he is extremely athletic and has an innate understanding of how to use his speed to achieve almost any goal, even when there are no signs of what he is trying to accomplish. He is also very good at reading people and situations in order to determine the best course of action.”

    He has an innate understanding of how to use his speed to achieve almost any goal. I love the idea that knowledge of “speed” could be innate, rather than learned. I mean, we learn how to move our bodies and how to walk and run, but we don’t learn much about actually being fast. I think it’s wonderful that Sonic can just know how to run fast.

    “He is also very good at reading people and situations in order to determine the best course of action.

    mp100 crossover

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