Personality List

    Laia Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Laia? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Laia from Your Ocs Original Characters and what is the personality traits.


    INFJ (XwX)

    Laia personality type is INFJ, but that's neither here nor there. I am a Ne so I feel like I should be an INTJ. My exact opposite in every way. The first person I ever knew who had an INFJ personality type was my dad. He was always an introvert, and I could always tell he was an INFJ because of their introverted nature. But it's not like I have become him. I still have some of his qualities, but I'm not him. I'm me. I guess the point is: don't fall into the trap of thinking you're the same as someone else just because they have the same personality type. It's okay if you want to be something else, and it's okay if you want to be something else. But don't lose yourself in trying to be someone else. That's what makes you you.

    I love this quote from Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich:

    "If you give up too much of yourself, you will never become what the world calls great.

    Laia is quiet normally, but is friendly and kind around the other characters. She is inquisitive and throughout the story, she has gut feelings that are uncanny in how accurate they are. She provides information about all the different places and creatures that she and the other characters encounter on their journey.

    Emotionally speaking, she's very good at understanding the other character's emotions, but TERRIBLE at managing her own.

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