Personality List

    Maeko Matsukasa Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Maeko Matsukasa? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Maeko Matsukasa from Your Ocs Original Characters and what is the personality traits.

    Maeko Matsukasa

    ESFJ (2w3)

    Maeko Matsukasa personality type is ESFJ, which means that she is extraverted, sensing, feeling, and judging. The ESFJ personality type is one of the most common in the world and is found in 31% of the American population. ESFJs are warm and caring and make good public speakers. They are outgoing and friendly and are often full of life. ESFJs are often the people you want to hang out with because they are so fun and interesting. ESFJs love people and enjoy making friends. They will do almost anything to help someone else and will put their own needs aside for the benefit of others. They are very loyal and loving, family oriented people who will often put others needs before their own. However, they can become very selfish if they are not careful. ESFJs take their careers very seriously and will often work very hard to do a good job. They get sick or injured very easily and will often be the one doing all the care giving for their loved ones. ESFJs are usually well liked by others because of this and are usually at the top of their careers as well.

    A supporting character in Yukari's Hero Academia (otherwise known as YHA.)

    Maeko is outgoing, kindhearted, although a little dimwitted. She's very much an optimist, which makes her a foil to Yukari, who's very much pessimistic. Her personality also greatly clashes with Miki's, who is a very detail oriented, undiplomatic individual with a sharp tongue. Despite common belief, she was not always like this. When she was younger, she was an absolute nuisance who hurt many people. Now she feels guilty of all the pain she caused for others and is trying to better herself by making people feel happy, instead of sorrow.

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