Personality List

    Isolde Maria Schrankmann Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Isolde Maria Schrankmann? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Isolde Maria Schrankmann from Alarm Fur Cobra 11 Die Autobahnpolizei and what is the personality traits.

    Isolde Maria Schrankmann

    ISTJ (8w9)

    Isolde Maria Schrankmann personality type is ISTJ, which is the most common personality type.

    So, what are the common personality types?

    There are only two types:

    A) Ego Dominant (Et)

    Universally, people with an Ego Dominant personality type are seen as confident, competitive and dominant. They are not afraid to use their power and authority to get what they want.

    Where they fall short is conflict resolution. They appear to be direct, with few hidden agendas and they can be quite stubborn.

    B) Ego-supportive (Ist)

    The Ego-supportive personality type is more socially aware and more in tune with the needs of others. They often have a strong sense of moral values and ethics. They are also more intuitive and have a higher capacity to empathize with others.

    These personalities have the ability to have a great rapport with children, animals and the elderly. They are also very good at interpersonal communication.

    However, these personalities do not excel in professional settings and can be quite rigid.

    The ISTJ personality type is considered to be the most common personality type among men and women.

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