Personality List

    Tom Kranich Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Tom Kranich? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Tom Kranich from Alarm Fur Cobra 11 Die Autobahnpolizei and what is the personality traits.

    Tom Kranich

    Tom Kranich personality type is INTJ, which means that he is a thinking, two-faced person. He is a highly intelligent person, but his intelligence is not always used to its full extent. He is a person who is very logical and rational, but at the same time, he uses this ability for his own interests. He sees things in the black and white. He does not have many emotions and does not express them. He is a person who does not let his feelings take over his actions. He would rather see the end result, instead of feeling and reacting to the situation. This personality type has a few characteristics that are very interesting. He is a person who is able to develop strong relationships with different people. This person is able to learn different languages very quickly, because he has the ability to use his brain very well. He can also connect with foreign cultures very easily. The INTJ personality has three main functions: Introverted Thinking, Extroverted Intuition and Extroverted Feeling. This personality type has a very good memory and can memorize things very quickly. For example, he can remember the names of the countries in the world very quickly. He also knows the different seasons and can tell you when it is spring, summer, autumn and winter.

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