Personality List

    Padre Leonardo Wagner Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Padre Leonardo Wagner? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Padre Leonardo Wagner from Christianity and what is the personality traits.

    Padre Leonardo Wagner

    ISTJ (6w5)

    Padre Leonardo Wagner personality type is ISFJ, which is a dominant female personality. The ISFJ personality type is relatively rare and highly respected among personality types. ISFJ are often described as warm, kind, and very caring in general. They are loyal to their friends and family and are also known to be very protective of them.

    The ISFJ personality type is not as common as many other personality types in the world. ISFJs represent only about 2% of the population, which makes it rarer than any other personality type. The ISFJ personality type is rare because it is associated with a number of other traits that can make it more difficult to understand and interact with the world around them. The ISFJ personality type can be very independent and strong willed in nature, which can make it difficult for people who are not aware of these traits to understand it and consider it for friendships or other relationships.

    The ISFJ Personality Type: Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging

    The ISFJ personality type is associated with a number of characteristics that make it different from others. The most significant of these characteristics is that ISFJs are introverted, sensing, feeling, and judging personalities.

    Sacerdote católico dedicado a catequese on-line, Padre Leonardo é padre diocesano ordenado em 2002 na Arquidiocese de Fortaleza, mestre em teologia sacramental pelo Ateneu Santo Anselmo em Roma e atualmente trabalhando na Administração Apostólica São João Maria Vianney "Ad sperimentum". Para difundir sempre mais a Palavra de Deus e a doutrina da Santa Igreja Católica criou um canal no YouTube em 2017 atualmente com 160.000 assinantes. Faz também divulgação pelo Instagram, Telegram e Facebook acompanhando centenas de pessoas que sentem dificuldades na confissão ou desejam aprender mais sobre a doutrina da Santa Igreja Católica.

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