Personality List

    Alizée - J'en Ai Marre Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Alizée - J'en Ai Marre? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Alizée - J'en Ai Marre from 2000s Songs and what is the personality traits.

    Alizée - J'en Ai Marre

    ISFP (XwX)

    Alizée - J'en Ai Marre personality type is ISFP, which means that they are introverted, spontaneous, and idealistic. They can be very caring and compassionate, but they also don't like to be bothered. They are very spicy and are known to have a very short fuse, especially if they are annoyed. They can be a handful and will not engage in anything that is boring or dull. They are extremely creative and are more than willing to go off on their own to do something creative and fun. They enjoy working with their hands and prefer not to be stuck inside all day. They make great friends and will always be there for their friends. They are independent and are not ones to be impressed easily. They don't tend to put up with a lot of bullshit, so if you are rude or mean to them, they will most likely not be impressed.

    I'm fed up with those who cry

    Who drive at 2 kilometers per hour only

    Who moan & set themselves

    To the idea of a set idea

    I'm fed up with those who groan

    With cheap extremists

    Who see life all in black

    Who drive me down in the dumps

    I'm fed up with the big sister

    Who weeps over everything & who cries

    Fed up with rain , courgettes

    That make me barf under my duvet

    I'm fed up with these cynics

    & In the meadows , crocus

    I'm fed up with being fed up ! As well

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