Personality List

    xiao ling Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of xiao ling? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for xiao ling from Roblox and what is the personality traits.

    xiao ling

    INFJ (9w1)

    xiao ling personality type is ESTP, and their headcanons will be described below.

    Xiao ling's headcanon is that he has a weak body, but a strong mind. He is very intelligent and has great observational skills, and he finds it hard to follow the rules at times. He gets distracted by interesting things, and sometimes he loses track of time. Xiao ling is not very good at physical activities, but he likes to make people smile.

    In the chapter where we first see Xiao ling, he is hiding in a tree with a basket of apples. He throws apples to the teachers from his hiding spot. Later on, he tells the other kids that he can climb trees like a squirrel.

    Xiao ling's personality type is ESTP, and his headcanon is that he has a weak body, but a strong mind. He is very intelligent and has great observational skills, and he finds it hard to follow the rules at times. He gets distracted by interesting things, and sometimes he loses track of time. Xiao ling is not very good at physical activities, but he likes to make people smile.

    In the chapter where we first see Xiao ling, he is hiding in a tree with a basket of apples.

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