Personality List

    Baze Malbus Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Baze Malbus? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Baze Malbus from Star Wars and what is the personality traits.

    Baze Malbus

    ISTP (8w9)

    Baze Malbus personality type is ISTP, which is an introverted, sensing, thinking, processing type. ISTP’s are people who are quite orderly, focused on details, and are good with their hands. The Si-based function of the INTP makes them very logical and practical. The Ne-based function of the ISTP makes them sociable. People who are ISTP are often described as quiet, introspective, and meticulous. They are excellent planners, good at taking care of details, and are very practical. The ISTP personality type is known for being great with their hands, practical, and good with details. ISTP’s are often the first to notice small defects in things, and are very good at fixing them. They are very orderly and love to plan. ISTP’s can be very private people, but they are also good at making friends. They are great at getting things done and are often seen as very organized. ISTP’s can often be described as quiet introspective people who are neat and orderly. They are very good at planning and keeping things organized, because they are excellent at keeping things organized for others. They are also curious people because they like to know more about things than others do.

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