Personality List

    Xeno Gogeta Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Xeno Gogeta? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Xeno Gogeta from Dragon Ball Z and what is the personality traits.

    Xeno Gogeta

    ENTP (8w7)

    Xeno Gogeta personality type is ENTP, Anti-ESFJ, Anti-ENTJ, and part of the Introverted Thinking (Ti) and Extroverted Intuition (Ne) personality types.

    Xeno Gogeta's Personality Type

    Xeno Gogeta is an ENTP personality type. The primary function of the ENTJ is Introverted Thinking (Ti), while the secondary function is Extroverted Intuition (Ne). The tertiary function of the ENTP is Extroverted Feeling (Fe).

    Xeno Gogeta's Personality Traits

    Xeno Gogeta's personality traits are:

    Assertive ā€“ Xeno Gogeta is an assertive personality type. Xeno Gogeta is an independent person who does not easily follow rules or orders. Xeno Gogeta prefers to do things by himself or with a group of people. Xeno Gogeta does not need constant supervision.

    ā€“ Xeno Gogeta is an assertive personality type. Xeno Gogeta is an independent person who does not easily follow rules or orders. Xeno Gogeta prefers to do things by himself or with a group of people.

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