Personality List

    Zodiac Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Zodiac? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Zodiac from Marvel Comics and what is the personality traits.


    ISTJ (9w8)

    Zodiac personality type is ISTJ, for the sake of this article.

    ISTJ Sensors are action oriented, pragmatic, and down-to-earth, with a strong sense of duty. They have a strong work ethic and a deep need to do what’s right. They are responsible and direct, with a practical nature and a tendency for order. ISTJs take pride in their duties and are very conscientious, practical people. Their goal is to get the job done well and efficiently. They want the job done right and on time. They want the job done well, but they also tend to be oversensitive to criticism. This is because they are perfectionists who are very meticulous and thorough when they work, but they can become very critical when they work on a project that they truly believe in. This criticism can cause them to lose their confidence and make them feel like they’ve failed at their goal.

    ISTJs are excellent leaders and managers because they are hardworking, dependable, and practical. They want to do things well and do not tolerate sloppy work. They have the ability to get a project done by focusing on the task at hand, not just the end product.

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