What is the personality type of Kawamura Kazuma? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kawamura Kazuma from Asia Musicians and what is the personality traits.
Kawamura Kazuma personality type is INFJ, which is a rare and rare combination.
As of the end of season 2 (2018), Kaneki has been confirmed to be an INFJ.
This page is a quick reference guide for the personality types of anime characters.
When you know what traits a character is most likely to have based on the anime series they’re in, it can help you figure out who they are and what they’re like behind the anime character mask.
Kaneki is an INFJ, which means he is Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Perceptive.
In the anime, Kaneki is shown as very observant and attentive. He notices details and constantly thinks about what he sees. He is also very quick to judge others, not just based on appearance but on their actions as well. He quickly figures out how people think and how they conduct themselves.
On the negative side, Kaneki can be very harsh and blunt about his opinions and his reactions to certain situations. It makes him seem like a jerk to those around him, but in reality, he is just very intuitive and observant, and has a lot of empathy for others.