Personality List

    The Legend Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of The Legend? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for The Legend from The Boys 2019 and what is the personality traits.

    The Legend

    ENTP (3w4)

    The Legend personality type is ESTP, which is a definite sign of personality type that interests you. You are an outgoing, active and spontaneous personality who likes to make new friends and get involved in new experiences. If you’ve always wanted to be a dancer or a pilot, you should know that ESTPs are also very physical and enjoy sports. This can also be seen in their love of art, music and dance. The ESTP personality type is also very popular among people who like to take risks, be adventurous and enjoy life. They are the ultimate team players and enjoy working with each other.

    ESTPs are natural leaders who like to run their own show. This is especially true if they are involved in any type of leadership position, whether it be in a club, organization or company. If you’re interested in business, then ESTPs should be your ideal choice for a manager because they are very good at inspiring people to work harder and achieve more.

    ESTPs are also very direct and are not afraid to speak up when they need to. They love to express their opinions and can sometimes be very blunt, but they can also be very polite and tactful.

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