Personality List

    Uru Somezuki Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Uru Somezuki? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Uru Somezuki from Ai The Somnium Files and what is the personality traits.

    Uru Somezuki

    INFJ (4w5)

    Uru Somezuki personality type is INFJ, and is most often seen as cold and detached. This can in part be attributed to the Uru Somezuki's exceptional analytical abilities, which often allows them to see things as they really are, and separates them from most others.

    Though they are logical and rational, they do have a very strong sense of idealism. This idealism is sometimes their downfall, as they can be very stubborn and set out on a course in spite of all evidence to the contrary. They can be a bit over-dramatic, but that can also be a trait of the INFJ.

    The Uru Somezuki society is actually quite diverse, with many different clans and tribes. The Uru Somezuki are more than willing to trade and are generally open to foreigners. They have spent countless years in contact with the neighboring races and have developed some of the best trade routes in the region. The Uru Somezuki are well known for their strategic thinking and skill at planning.

    The Uru Somezuki are not very religious, but are associated with many different deities.

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