Personality List

    Old Soldier Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Old Soldier? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Old Soldier from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits.

    Old Soldier

    ISTP (XwX)

    Old Soldier personality type is ISTP, so it’s no surprise that he’s a man of few words. He’s also not a big fan of wasting time. His life is a constant, stressful rush. He prefers to get things done and move on, rather than to dwell on what’s already happened. Though he can be quite blunt, he’s good at communicating with his soldiers and organizing the troops.

    This ISTP Soldier personality type loves to work, loves to be able to control the situation and make things happen. He’s a CONTROL freak and needs to be able to influence others to follow his orders. This ISTP Soldier is very systematic in his approach and likes to use logic and science in all aspects of his life. He also loves to organize things and details.

    The ISTP Soldier personality type is not only focused on the present moment and the future, but also on the past and the present. He’s not afraid of repetition and can spend a lot of time learning new skills and techniques. Though he can be quite hard on himself, he accepts that mistakes are part of life and that no matter how much you plan, you can never predict everything that might happen.

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