Personality List

    Mad Bomber Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mad Bomber? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mad Bomber from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits.

    Mad Bomber

    ENTP (7w8)

    Mad Bomber personality type is ENTP, an offshoot of the INTP personality type.

    People with the ENTP personality type are natural sponges, able to absorb and learn new concepts easily. They are also quite good at sales and marketing, as they are clever and have excellent communication skills.

    Their problem, however, is that they can be very indecisive and tend to see things from different angles. Because of this, they often consider themselves incapable of making decisions or choosing the path that will be most beneficial for them.

    This comes from the fact that they are not always confident in their decisions, and therefore do not feel competent in making them. Because of this, they often become easily confused by things and are not sure what to do next. They may also lose focus and become overwhelmed, which is why they often ask “what’s next?”

    While ENTPs are good at gaining information and knowledge, they also have a tendency to forget about it quickly. This makes their decision making ability questionable at times. They have high egoistic goals, but when they fail to achieve them, they feel like failures and may even commit suicide.

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