Personality List

    Tokio Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Tokio? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Tokio from Money Heist La Casa De Papel 2017 and what is the personality traits.


    ESTP (7w8)

    Tokyo personality type is ESTP, followed by INTP and ENTP.

    The average IQ is 130, a trait they share with the Chinese and Japanese, with the exception of the Koreans, who have the lowest average IQ in the world.

    In recent years, there has been a controversial debate over whether the Japanese are smarter than the Chinese, with some polls claiming that the Chinese are significantly smarter.

    In a recent article published in The Atlantic, Adam Alter, a professor of marketing at New York University, said that “Japanese culture is a lot less conformist and a lot more challenging to the status quo”, which is a good way of describing the nature of the Japanese people.

    Alter has said that he has a hard time understanding the way the Japanese think and act, but this is because he grew up in New York City and is accustomed to American culture.

    This is not to say there aren’t any problems in Japan. The country is facing several challenges such as decreasing birth rates and an aging population. The existential threat of nuclear weapons and natural disasters is also a problem that the country has to deal with.

    Silene Oliveira, better known by her code-name Tokyo, is one of the main protagonists of the Netflix series Money Heist, as well as narrator of the story. She is a member of the heist crew set to rob the Royal Mint of Spain. Tokyo is reckless and impulsive, she usually acts before she thinks, which sometimes results in things she regrets. She is quick to lose her patience, as well as sometimes being shown to quickly draw conclusions.

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