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    Most Compatible with an ISTJ Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Most Compatible with an ISTJ? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Most Compatible with an ISTJ from Chemistry & Compatibility and what is the personality traits.

    Most Compatible with an ISTJ

    ESTP (6w7)

    Most Compatible with an ISTJ personality type is ESFP, and the least compatible is ISXJ. ISTJ and ESFP have a natural relationship, as both are concerned with maintaining order and routine. ISTJs are more likely to be very wary of change, and will feel threatened by the ESFP who may not be fully aware that they are bringing it. ISTJs need an ESFP to help them realize that they can and should let go of their routines and enjoy the flexibility of being ‘outside’ of the routine. They need this lesson from the ESFP who may be taking a risk or doing something different. ESFPs can be helpful in helping ISTJs ease into change, as long as there is a good relationship between the two.

    ISFJ and ESFP Relationship – Understanding how ISTJs respond to change and ESFPs, who often encourage it, can help the ISFJ understand their needs. A working relationship with an ESFP can help the ISFJ overcome their fears of change and see that different perspectives are valuable. This is especially important if they are leading a family.

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