Personality List

    Type D Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Type D? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Type D from Type A & Type B Personality Theory and what is the personality traits.

    Type D

    INFP (4w5)

    Type D personality type is INFP, who are known to be:

    Adventurous and imaginative

    Intuitive and passionate

    Empathic and compassionate

    Entrepreneurial and enthusiastic

    Reserved and private

    Stable and calm

    Introverted and private

    Artistic and creative

    Sensitive and caring

    Loyal and responsible

    Warmhearted and friendly

    Romantic and loving

    We all know that the personality types are not confined to just 4 options, but there are 11 personality types in total, of which 4 are called introverted (I, F, J, P), 4 extroverted (E, S, T, N) and 1 neutrally-extroverted (C). We also know that each of us has a mix of these 4 personality types in us. So, some people might be more inclined towards extroversion than introversion while they could be more introverted than extroverted. Others have a mix of both. And then there are those who would be more introverted-extroverted rather than extroverted-introverted.

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