Personality List

    Gretchen Mercer Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Gretchen Mercer? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Gretchen Mercer from Family Guy 1999 and what is the personality traits.

    Gretchen Mercer

    ESFJ (2w3)

    Gretchen Mercer personality type is ESFJ, the Caregiver. ESFJ is the only Caregiver personality type (Se, Fi).

    Gretchen Mercer is an ESFJ. Here are the 7 characteristics of ESFJs:

    ESFJs are warm and caring. They are often the first to show concern for others and take care of them. They dislike to see others in pain and try to ease that pain. They are the caregivers and are often the ones who try to help others. They are natural born leaders and as Caregivers, they are very good at taking care of others and making sure that everyone is happy. They try to take care of other people’s problems, by asking others for help. They put others before themselves, and are always thinking about others and what is best for them. They are the people who give advice and help others to be the best they can be. They do not like to see others unhappy and try their best to see everyone happy. They are often the ones who try their hardest to make everyone happy. ESFJs are very sensitive to other people having a hard time, and they try their best to be a help to everyone who needs it.

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