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    Punta Arenas, Chile Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Punta Arenas, Chile? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Punta Arenas, Chile from Famous Regions Provinces & Cities and what is the personality traits.

    Punta Arenas, Chile

    INFJ (XwX)

    Punta Arenas, Chile personality type is INFJ, or Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging. “A complex type,” he says, “they are known for their sensitive, imaginative, and idealistic tendencies.”

    Argentinian rocker Juanes is also an INFJ. He’s also a whole lot of fun to interview.

    “I love the INFJ personality type because they are incredibly imaginative,” he told me in a series of e-mails. “They see things that others don’t see, and even if they are not accurate, they are still the first one to make up a theory.”

    What kinds of theories?

    “I see them as the most creative people in the world,” he said. “The INFJ personality type see life as an adventure. I think that INFJs are the most creative people in the world. They make up all kinds of stories in their heads, and that makes them very creative.”

    Juanes says this is true of him as well. He says he sees himself as a storyteller, and there are parts of his life that he would like to write about.

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