Personality List

    Red Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Red? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Red from Pokemon Sun & Moon and what is the personality traits.


    ISTP (9w8)

    Red personality type is ISTP, which is the “doer.” This type is the quickest to make decisions, and the ISTP personality type is often the one that takes the lead in a project, or takes on the role of “project manager.” ISTPs are very good at making decisions, and they often have great business sense. They often want to be in control and they may be impatient when others don’t get things done quickly enough.

    Sharing plans is also important for ISTPs. They enjoy sharing their plans with others, and they are often comfortable with being a team leader. They are very good at communicating plans, and they make sure that everyone is on the same page before moving forward with a project.

    ISTPs also like to take on the role of project manager and are sometimes called the “team leader” by others. They are often the person who makes sure everything goes smoothly for the project, and ISTPs make sure that everything is done correctly.

    If you have an ISTP personality type, you might also be an Action Figure, which is a type that likes to take action and act quickly.

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