Personality List

    Antenor Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Antenor? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Antenor from Florante At Laura and what is the personality traits.


    INFJ (9w1)

    Antenor personality type is INFJ, but I’m sure I have more than one – my dad is an INTJ, and I had a kind of INFJ vibe even when I was young.

    I am not an INFJ, but I am a lot like them – introverted, intuitive, analytical, and a bit closed off (or at least, I was. Now I feel more open than I did before). I have a lot of similarities with other INFJs I know, and the few that I’ve met in real life.

    I also get a lot of the “ambiverts” who are introverted extroverts (I call them “EtEs”). The kind of people who are usually quiet and sometimes shy but also have lots of friends. They are a sort of base for the Extrovert world, and are known for being charming and gregarious.

    This post is not meant to be a scholarly essay about INFJ personality type. It is just me sharing my personal experience as someone who happens to be quite similar to them.

    What makes INFJs unique?

    INFJs are very intuitive people.

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