Personality List

    John Golf Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of John Golf? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for John Golf from Rtgame and what is the personality traits.

    John Golf

    ESTP (8w7)

    John Golf personality type is ESTP, and 8w8 is the best possible score. A bad score is 4w5, so it’s not good.

    The more he tries to get his personality type right, the more we hear of these letters.

    7w6 will not even be on the site

    a 7w6 isn’t even on the test! That’s why we have all these other letters. If you have a 7w6, you probably have a 4w5 (which is a very bad thing). I’m not going to label it 7w6 and give it 4 points.

    You can try to put 7w6 on a test, but it’s not going to work. You’re just going to screw it up for everybody else.

    If you have a 7w6, do what you can to make it a 6w5 or a 5w4.

    If you have a 9w7, do what you can to make it a 9w8.

    In my experience, most people are trying to use these letters and personality types, and they’re trying to force things into their personalities.

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