Personality List

    Steven (Strangled Red) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Steven (Strangled Red)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Steven (Strangled Red) from Creepypastas and what is the personality traits.

    Steven (Strangled Red)

    ISFP (5w6)

    Steven (Strangled Red) personality type is ISFP, or the artist.

    Steven (Garnet) personality type is ESFJ, or the helper.

    Steven (Pearl) personality type is INFJ, or the mastermind.

    The above is just a quick summary of Steven's characters in the show, as well as what personality types they may fit. A more detailed analysis demonstrating how his various character traits contribute to each type can be found in this article.

    Steven's outer representations of his "true" personality are a result of the balance between his dominant and auxiliary functions.

    In his "true" personality, Steven is an idealist, or "soulful" type. Idealists are most often described as being:

    * Self-centered, but selfless

    * Loving, but distant

    * Philosophical, but sensitive

    * Helpful, but unassuming

    * Conventional, but creative

    * Enthusiastic, but aloof

    * Idealistic, but pragmatic

    * Perfectionistic, but realistic

    * Cooperative, but independent

    * Clever, but clumsy

    * Influential, but unassuming

    * Thoughtful, but impulsive

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