Personality List

    Hana Hana no Mi Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Hana Hana no Mi? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Hana Hana no Mi from One Piece Akuma No Mi and what is the personality traits.

    Hana Hana no Mi

    INTJ (5w4)

    Hana Hana no Mi personality type is INTJ, the "Mastermind" type. Her personality is a strong blend of intellectual and introverted, but she is also very intelligent and determined, and she can be quite shy in social situations. She is an extremely logical person, though she will sometimes be very detached and seem cold to others. She is an incredibly intelligent person, but she can come across as unapproachable and aloof to people she doesn't know. She is very opinionated and does not like to accept any form of criticism on her ideas. She is a strong-willed person, but her willpower does not extend to her weakness for food; she can easily become obese if she is not careful with her diet. However, despite her weight, she has a slim figure and beautiful face, which inspires much envy since she shows little interest in her appearance. She is very dedicated to obtaining her goals, and often becomes obsessed with them.

    Hana's ability is known as "Fruit Paralysis". When the user eats a certain fruit, they can put others into a state of semi-paralysis, which can last for a long time. It was first used in the battle against Luffy, where Hana used the fruit on his arm.

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