Personality List

    Mero Mero no Mi Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mero Mero no Mi? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mero Mero no Mi from One Piece Akuma No Mi and what is the personality traits.

    Mero Mero no Mi

    ENFJ (2w3)

    Mero Mero no Mi personality type is ENFJ, and is interested in working with those who have a similar temperament.

    Examples of work that the Mero Mero no Mi character would be good at include:

    Gothic lolita fashion design.

    Selling multi-faceted crystal pendants that are often made out of blood.

    Taking care of cats.

    Caring for elderly humans.

    Writing sadistic fanfiction based on a popular anime/manga.

    Caring for and helping injured people.

    Mero Mero no Mi is a bit of an odd personality type in the current world. People with this personality type are usually very concerned with their own well-being and happiness, and they usually don’t like people who get in their way of reaching those goals. They are generally very good at reading people and using their emotions to manipulate them into getting what they want. If a Mero Mero no Mi can’t get what they want through manipulation, they will likely resort to violence and coercion.

    In the world of One Piece, there are plenty of personalities like this, especially in the Royal Kingdom of Dressrosa.

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