Personality List

    Gorimi (The Strict Librarian) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Gorimi (The Strict Librarian)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Gorimi (The Strict Librarian) from Komi San Wa Komyushou Desu and what is the personality traits.

    Gorimi (The Strict Librarian)

    ISTJ (8w9)

    Gorimi (The Strict Librarian) personality type is ISTJ, the ‘Inspector’.

    The ISTJ’s role is to carry out the wishes of the organization and keep it running smoothly. The ISTJ has a strong desire to be organized, neat and precise and is a very good observer. The ISTJ likes to organize their home, office, and their environment in general. They are also very tidy and like things to be orderly and well organized. On the other hand, the ISTJ is a very responsible type who takes their work very seriously and has a very good attention to detail. This can make them a bit of a perfectionist, but they are usually very hardworking and dedicated.

    The ISTJ prefers things to be done the same way every time. They have a high need for structure in their lives and so will often be seen as a bit of a stickler for procedure and protocol. The ISTJ’s need for structure and order can at times make them seem rigid, but this can actually be a good thing for the ISTJ, as it means that they won’t tolerate unchanging rules or policies.

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