Personality List

    John II of France Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of John II of France? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for John II of France from Historical Figures 1300s and what is the personality traits.

    John II of France

    ENFP (4w3)

    John II of France personality type is ENFP, the Champion, who is more than just a person with great talents. He is someone who has great vision and passion. He has the qualities that guide Visionary leaders, who are willing to leave the beaten path in order to chart new territory.

    His flexibility and adaptability makes him an excellent diplomat, capable of seeing both sides of an issue and finding compromises.

    The Prince of Orange (William III of Orange) is an excellent example of the ENFP personality type. He was able to see the other side of conflicts and was fairly diplomatic in order to maintain peace.

    8. The King of England (Edward VII)

    This man is an ENFP personality type.

    He was able to see both sides of an issue and compromise. He was also able to see the greater good of the country and act accordingly.

    He was also able to see how all people should be treated equally, even if they weren’t rich or powerful. He saw how the country was divided and could see the future where he would be unable to help everyone due to his limited resources.

    John II, called John the Good, was King of France from 1350 until his death in 1364. When he came to power, France faced several disasters: the Black Death, which killed nearly half of its population; popular revolts known as Jacqueries; free companies of routiers who plundered the country; and English aggression that resulted in catastrophic military losses, including the Battle of Poitiers of 1356, in which John was captured. While John was a prisoner in London, his son Charles became regent and faced several rebellions, which he overcame. To liberate his father, he concluded the Treaty of Brétigny, by which France lost many territories and paid an enormous ransom. In an exchange of hostages, which included his second son Louis, Duke of Anjou, John was released from captivity to raise funds for his ransom.

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