Personality List

    Muhammad Nasir b. Qalawun, Cairo Sultanate Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Muhammad Nasir b. Qalawun, Cairo Sultanate? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Muhammad Nasir b. Qalawun, Cairo Sultanate from Historical Figures 1300s and what is the personality traits.

    Muhammad Nasir b. Qalawun, Cairo Sultanate

    Al-Malik an-Nasir Nasir ad-Din Muhammad ibn Qalawun (Arabic: الملك الناصر ناصر الدين محمد بن قلاوون‎), commonly known as an-Nasir Muhammad (Arabic: الناصر محمد‎), or by his kunya: Abu al-Ma'ali (أبو المعالى) or as Ibn Qalawun (1285–1341) was the ninth Bahri Mamluk sultan of Egyptwho ruled for three reigns: December 1293–December 1294, 1299–1309, and 1310 until his death in 1341. He abolished a few official positions, seized the wealth and property of corrupt officials, discharged the Oirat Mongols from royal service and annulled the exceptional taxes and surcharges (Mikoos) which were imposed on the common people by the authorities and which enriched officials and made the emirs more powerful. He employed Emir Ibn al-Waziri, a man who was known to be tough on corruption, as the head of Dar al-Adl (Court of Justice) and every Monday the Sultan would listen to complaints from the common people against the officials and the emirs. He prohibited his governors from executing or physically punishing convicts without his permission and he shut an infamous prison that was near the Citadel. In 1314 he abolished the post of vice-Sultan. In 1315 he carried out a land survey to re-establish the amount of the taxes which the land owners and the landlords had to pay to the state.The prominent Mamluk historian Ibn Iyas wrote the following about Al-Nasir Muhammad: " His name was mentioned everywhere like no other king's name. All the kings wrote to him, sent gifts to him and feared him. The whole of Egypt was in his grasp ". Both father and brother of an-Nasir were celebrated Sultans and eight of his sons and four of his grandsons were throned as Sultans of Egypt.

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